The Power of the Many — Introducing The High Performance Circle

Thomas Leamy
8 min readNov 11, 2020

Are you a 21st century leader? Welcome to your professionally facilitated, collaborative, leadership circle where space is created for thought, insight, support and exponential growth. ©

The View From 30,000 Feet

The most enjoyable thing about operating High Performance Strategy Europe (HPSE) — is rubbing shoulders with incredible humans. From Presidents, Prime Ministers and Fortune 500 CEOs, to game changing young entrepreneurs — we have been inspired by the human capacity for growth and greatness for many years.

On the other hand, we also take in the wide angle view of leadership’s less pleasing side. The dark side of leadership. These are the real world challenges that keep high level leaders up at night and feeling like a plane stuck in a holding pattern over Heathrow. 2020 ushered in an age of immense global uncertainty and Covid-19 has made a challenging world more VUCA than ever before.

What is top of the list of challenges facing the 21st century leaders we work with? It may not be what you expect given the stifling pace of change.

Leadership is Lonely

Some of the highest performing leaders we work with, although brilliant, feel completely isolated at the top. Can you relate to this feeling? If you can, we understand. Everyone knocks on your door needing help to put out fires or to ask for your advice — yet you are also human. And YOU need support too. Where do you turn when wise counsel is needed?

21st century leaders are struggling. Not in a traditional sense but from this lack of support. Thus, they unwittingly create a perfect storm for mental exhaustion, overwhelm and burnout. With this triad of conditions — a drastic impact on performance levels emerges.

Without the support of fellow leaders, those at the top often feel demoralised and fearful of making poor decisions. Most have few others to talk to about making decisions under imperfect conditions and balancing all the hats they wear as a leader. In fact, many leaders long for a confidential and collaborative space where the perfect environment for growth is enabled as an antidote to volatility. ©

The documented power of collaboration is not new, yet it has a renewed importance. It was Napoleon Hill who first coined the term “MasterMind” back in the 1920s. His concept was built around a group of individuals uniting around a common purpose. When such a union was created, the increased power and collective potential of the group — became available to each individual member of the group, according to Hill.

The simplest way of looking at it?

A group of batteries generate more power than one battery can.

Hill discussed in great detail, the advantages that may be created by any person who surrounds him or herself with the advice, counsel, and personal cooperation of a group of like minded individuals in a spirit of harmony. This form of collective alliance is purported to have been the basis of nearly every great fortune.

100 years ago, a MasterMind may have been the bedrock of every great fortune. Today, we believe the same concept is the foundation of the world’s highest performing leaders.

Being a MasterMind member is a powerful strategy used by high-achieving leaders to quickly move toward their goals. 50,000+ CEOs who lead Fortune 500 companies, NGOs, Unicorns, and high-potential SMEs already collaborate in this way. What’s more, they report an exceptional return on investment from participating in professionally facilitated MasterMind groups.

HPSE is proud to be certified in a High Performance model with neuroscience at its core. We understand that collaboration is not just essential for growth, it is a meta-competency of 21st century. Without embracing a collaborative mindset, leaders cannot expect to access their full power and potential.

Our High Performance Circles offer this — and so much more.

The High Performance Circle

Welcome to your professionally facilitated, collaborative, leadership circle where space is created for thought, insight, support and exponential growth!

  • High Performance Circles are niche groups of high performers who share and support each other through the challenges of leadership. They offer a confidential thinking space where the collective wisdom of all becomes accessible to each member. Each Circle provides a mutually beneficial source of inspiration, information, and collaboration. Your Circle members listen, offer their advice when appropriate, and help you find solutions. In essence, you gain an immediate network of high performers that are just as eager to collaborate with you, as you will be to collaborate with them. Far more than a typical network, your High Performance Circle is your inner circle — your A-team.

HPSE deals in value. In our opinion, The High Performance Circle is unmatched in terms of value addition if you are a growth minded leader. Beyond the obvious — there are a host of perks and exclusive benefits for you as a leader.

Here’s what you gain as an exclusive High Performance Circle member:

1) A Growth Minded Network of High Performers

  • As a High Performance Circle member — you are not alone. In fact, you gain an immediate and invaluable personal advisory board.
  • Each High Performance Circle comprises of a small group of carefully selected leaders united across the boundaries of experience, challenges, potential, and the desire to make a positive impact.
  • Each High Performance Circle meets at agreed upon intervals over a 3–6 month period while collaborating on a range of growth minded, solutions oriented topics of fundamental interest.

2) The i4 Neuroleader 360° Leadership Assessment and Report

  • As a High Performance Circle member — you are entitled to a complimentary i4 Neuroleader 360° Leadership Assessment and report — created by the brilliant people at The About My Brain Institute in Australia.
  • This leading edge tool exists at the intersection of neuroscience and high performance. It is helping global leaders [VISA, Bank of China, The Australian Stock Exchange, The Department of The Environment etc..] embrace the future of leadership.
  • As a Circle member, you will gain extraordinary insight through this confidential assessment. The light of awareness is cast upon your personal leadership competencies, your areas for possible leverage and your key growth opportunities.

3) The i4 Neuroleader 360° Leadership Assessment Debrief

  • Each i4 Neuroleader 360° debrief comprises of a confidential one-on-one session. As a Circle member, you will come to understand your individualised scores across the meta-competencies of the 21st century.
  • After the debriefing, you will have gained a powerful understanding of your personal leadership style on top of a heightened awareness of opportunities for authentic personal development.

4) High Performance I² Executive Impact Coaching

  • HPSE is dedicated to impact. Helping top tier executives actualise their inner most potential is what we do. It is the most capable leaders that generally engage our style of 1-on-1 coaching.
  • As a Circle member, you are entitled to our transformative, insight-based, high performance coaching on a regular basis. Our signature style is deep coaching. We draw from first hand experience working with global titans — blended with our leadership development certifications.
  • Our executive coaching will help you as a Circle member take your capabilities and talents even further.

5) Neurobased High Performance Team Training

  • According to a study of 60,000 executives by The Neuroleadership Institute, only 10% of executives ever have meaningful insights (‘Aha’ Moments) at work. We aim to change that.
  • As a High Performance Circle member, it will be our pleasure to provide your senior management team (up to 12 individuals) with a morning of our neuro-based high performance team training.
  • In doing so, we will assist them in maintaining their personal high performance levels. We will help them better navigate the challenges of this complex world.
  • Your management team will learn to fine tune the most powerful meta competency of the 21st century leader: Self Awareness.

6) High Level Leadership Breakfast Invitations

  • HPSE is experienced in the planning of High Level Breakfast events for up to 40 preeminent CEOs, entrepreneurs and policy makers.
  • As a Circle member, you will receive a complimentary invitation to one of our high level morning gatherings. You may participate or attend as either a panel speaker or a VIP guest.
  • Each gathering will include several industry experts from around the world and may also include leading participants from our High Performance Interview Series (HPIS).
  • These gatherings are currently inhibited by Covid-19, yet will take place virtually in 2021 as required.

7) Executive High Performance Masterclasses Passes

  • As a High Performance Circle member, you will be presented with the opportunity to learn from some of the most in demand global speakers, international thought leaders, high performing public sector stalwarts and global business experts — on a regular basis.
  • Our simple rule for selecting who gets to lead our Masterclasses follows one simple rule: Can exceptional value be added?
  • By attending our Executive High Performance Masterclasses, you gain real-time actionable insights for scale — in a digestible and interesting way. ©

In the classic business parable, The Go-Giver,

and David Mann wrote of their five laws of stratospheric success. Our favourite, is the Law of Value: “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.” Adding value to you as a High Performance Circle member is our guiding principle.

HPSE is currently creating six, highly supportive, growth focused Circles that you can apply to join at your earliest convenience:

  • The Trailblazers | The High Performance Circle for 21st Century Irish Leaders
  • The Trendsetters | The High Performance Circle for 21st Century Middle Eastern Leaders
  • The Innovators | The High Performance Circle for 21st Century African Leaders
  • The Phoenixes | The High Performance Circle for 21st Century Greek Leaders
  • The Catalysts | The High Performance Circle for 21st Century American Leaders
  • The Change Agents | The High Performance Circle for 21st Century Young Entrepreneurs

Are you a Phoenix? Perhaps a Change Agent?

The path to joining is straightforward.

All you have to do is send a brief email with your name and job title to with the title of the High Performance Circle that makes the most sense for you, as the email subject line. We will then set up a 15 minute conversation with you where we can establish our shared values, discuss any questions you may have and discuss pricing options for the High Performance Circle of your choice.

If you are a leader, you already know that rolling tentatively into 2021 is not an option. Let’s come together and launch a growth minded rocket of collaboration, confidence and positivity!

Stay assured of my appreciation, now and always.

Thomas Leamy | (



Thomas Leamy

CEO | High Performance Strategy Europe (HPSE) — passionate about delivering high impact, transformative results for leaders, teams and companies.